, pub-6952411034055902, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 photosmidwest: 2013-11-24

The Chronicle, U.S.A.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

You ain't got the answers: Kanye West talks fashion struggles, who is the no. 1 rapper on Sway in the Morning radio show

Kanye West gets real with Sway in the morning  I GET KANYE BUT WE AIN'T GOT THE ANSWERS. I understand what he is saying and he is correct. However, he has to pray as a Christian, to find his way. Sway is telling him to do things from scratch and Kanye is saying he shouldn't have to come up the rough side of the mountain at his current level and status. What he should do is collaborate and form a collective of people in his peer group, and go from there. However, this action will take enormous levels of cooperation within the collaboration. He has to create his own platform to control the means of production in his fashion arena. And then he should write songs about his struggles. People need to catch this, what he is saying, because we all face these barriers as we expand and make and achieve our highest goals.
Kanye West is a genius.

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